Monday, May 6, 2013

Old Scrag

You feel safe when someone you trust is in control.  You feel loved when you are allowed to blossom and grow.  You feel nourished when fed daily, stretching and growing in the radiant glow of light.  

I fear plants do not look upon me with trust and, indeed, wish for legs to scamper away!

My one remaining house plant is loyal, though, and has survived many injustices in its lifetime.  I am ashamed.

Moving it into the dining room, placing it just so next to the windows, there was perhaps a faint sigh of relief...or more than likely the rustle of a dry leaf as it was placed on the table!  The change of position has been beneficial as its branches have seemed to reach through the window toward the sky.  

It is the light, you see...

Like the undersea current flowing strongly from the shore taking with it all in its path, so the light draws upward as hands raised in worship.  This straggly little plant, bravely enduring my negligence, now transcends any deficiency I caused and expands joyfully and fully.   Beautiful rays of sunshine lavishing freely through glass.

Flooding this plant with water could never quench its thirst for light, and as God designed, Old Scrag here knew where to find it.   

I now look at this plant and instantly think of our Creator, never doubting the light He furnishes for my heart.  It is His light that keeps the joy in my day, in spite of any adversity or heartache...heartache for sick children, untimely deaths, and yes, animal cruelty.  His light transcends all sadness, no matter the source, and without it, my world would be doomed. 

None other can fill my heart nor give me the water for which I thirst.  I praise His name, and I give thanks that God is ultimately in control of my life, my world, and yours.