Monday, December 16, 2013


The Japanese have a term, kenzoku, which translated literally means “family.” The connotation suggests a bond between people who have made a similar commitment and who possibly therefore share a similar destiny. It implies the presence of the deepest connection of friendship, of lives lived as comrades from the distant past.

I like that.  Not necessarily blood connection, but a connection of heart.  Yes, I like that. 

Not everyone is kenzoku.  Sometimes the most improbable is the most likely.  Strands of life stretching invisibly, touching and making their impression whether good or  

Kenzoku is cherished, given value though the time meted to physical connection is minimal.  Reunited, kenzoku revives with a flourish, as if time stood still.  Family.  Friend.

Loss of kenzoku is startling, with a sharp intake of breath and tearing of the eyes and the grieving is physical. Memories surface and you grab, afraid they will go amiss and you will lose again.  The urge for another opportunity to hug, smile, appreciate...simply existing with love, peace and familiarity with this piece of kenzoku, this overwhelming and the tears flow with abandon.

To you, Tom, kenzoku, with your open, caring heart you have reached out, touched and affected so many.  You sought, heard and accepted God's call and responded with generosity and zeal.  You encouraged with example, questioned with genuine desire to learn, and graced us with your life complete.  You are loved, respected, missed and grieved, but you lessened our misery by following your heart...loving our Gaynell and loving the Lord.  

Inadequate words, these, but I think you understand.  Kenzoku...always!

Just In Case...

Reading a self-penned obituary only cemented the urge to say good-bye on cloud paper. The thought keeps drifting in and out, and just in case the Lord is giving me a nudge, it's certainly not to be ignored.  

If I have only today, what is most important to me to convey to you, my husband, my children, grandchildren, extended family and friends? husband, my friend, my love.  You have stood by me in tough times, with enough patience to carry the world, with a heart big enough to hold the oceans, yet with humor and loving kindness.  You have loved my child and supported her as your own.  You have made grandparenting a joy as we love these children unconditionally and with much gratitude. But it is when I see and hear you teaching God's Word that I am most grateful. For your strongness in Him is encouragement to me, and I am fortified by the knowledge that your love for Him is greater than your love for me.  And your love for me has been epic!

Missy, with all memories cherished, I find myself longing for every single day since you were born that I might live again the joy of birthing, raising and loving every nuisance of your life.  I fear what I have forgotten may have been the most memorable.  Your maturing into motherhood yourself has been the greatest joy.  Smiles emerge every time I think of your gardening, your surprising ability with flowers and plants, your secureness in who you are.  I thank you for the gift of two grandsons.  I thank you, I thank you, and I love you much!

Jon, you who were born with your dad's heart and so much of his personality, you have had my heart from day one. You are a rock and so easy to love! I have watched you take some hard punches, but your loving heart stays fast. God gave you that loving attitude, Jon, and it is to be cherished and protected.  I pray for a mate for you who values it just as much.  Thank you for loving me, Jon!

Mark, you may be my biggest surprise.  Having the ability from early on to get under my skin, I have watched you grow and mature into this stunningly devoted father of four...and that is the greatest blessing you could ever have given me!  I love that you are stepping into the shoes of your dad, following a career that I am sure with your determination, you will even surpass.  

To my beautiful grandchildren, you are sunshine to my soul!  Being with you brings so much happiness to my life, it is impossible to explain the true measurement of my love for you! I want all of you to have a good life, full of respect for your parents, love for mankind, love and kindness for animals, but most of all, a heart fully devoted to God.

To my sister, Beverly.  I hope for you peace, peace and more peace.  For happiness is fleeting, riches dwindle, but peace in your body and soul untangles the mind and levels the wave lengths of life, leaving you with joy and pure contentment.  Ask for it, accept it, and then give thanks, because the only real peace comes from the Father.  

And that is my wish and prayer for all of you, my family and my friends.  Each day not devoted to God's will, magnifies to ten-fold as you grow older...because of regret.  You cannot change the past or have a do-over...make it count now.  Love Him, live for Him and serve only Him.

I am not afraid to die should my time be soon, even though it is a sad thought to be leaving any of you.  But I have faith in Christ and there is where I put all my hope.  I know without a doubt there is a better life after death, and I go willingly because I want to see the Lord!  My purpose and your purpose is to glorify God! (1 Cor. 6:19-20)  Keep Christ as center of your lives, and everything else will revolve for good around Him!  Everything else is futile. 
I will always love you and pray the best for your lives...physically but more so, spiritually. If I only had three words to impart to you today, it would be "Love the Lord!"   And if I go before you, I'll wait for you there!