Friday, July 8, 2016

Remembering a Friend

How much time is required for love to extend and expand, for enjoyment to commence, and loyalties to grow?  Some we meet in passing and later wish we had pursued a closer relationship.  Some we are given as a bright light across our path, never fully appreciating until that light is blotted out.
Our everyday words and actions flow out and about, affecting those of which we are often unaware.  Smiles taken as encouragement, uplifting a spirit entangled in life's struggles, is sometimes enough to continue the journey.  

A presence of solid rock, dependable and sure, enables the floundering to take hold and survive.

A woman of faith is a pleasure, a stature of dignity and grace.  Dispensing love with abandon, nurturing in abundance, she girds herself with an allegiance to family and friends alike.

And when she's gone, her absence leaves a vacancy no one can fill.

 Remembering those who took on the servant's role, loved the Lord and brought others to Him.  So thankful for their example, their friendship and for the families they helped to raise.

Betty Brown Crigger
12/3/37 - 06/26/16