Sunday, December 21, 2014

Mary, Did You?

As the days turned into weeks that grew into years, Mary, did you ever doubt the message first whispered?  Did you doubt you could be the Favored One, chosen to bear the very Son of God?  As the years passed, did you gaze at the man-child in your care and question a faulty memory, a distant promise, a sacred kingdom of no end? 

Mary, as you cared for him, did you know of the pain to come?  Did you cling ferociously, unwilling to surrender to the unbearable thought of losing a child, this child?  Did doubt ever flood your mind, concealing the covering of a faraway spirit and leaving you with a mere mortal you called your own? 

In the midst of anxiety and maddening chaos of missing a child, did you feel pride at finding yours in His Father's house, amazing the teachers with His understanding?  

Mary, did you ever, even once, forget He was who He was?

Did you recognize the first glint in His eyes of knowledge beyond our comprehension?  Did you simply see Him as your flesh or did His spirit transcend human form to your ordinary eyes?

As you treasured all things in your heart, did you comprehend the meaning of salvation through your son...or the degrading and horrific sacrifice which would bring it to fruition?  

Mary, did you truly know? 

One of my favorite renditions