Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Mercy Seat

Once adept at finding the least of branches (the least offensive, the least to inflict pain), knowledge was apparent even then that the verdict was not the problem...but the sentencing and follow-through would be tear-stained!  Finding the most delicate, limber branch might soften the blows, become of no significance, really, and focusing on that find became a source of mercy in my mind.

The plan was flawed, of course, because parents can see through such devilish schemes and thwart the most inventive of childhood escapades.  The switching always hurt, remorse having settled in, and the motherly hug then encouraged me to higher heights of better behavior, resolving me to better obedience in the future.

Mom's hug was my mercy seat.  Confession was made, punishment was meted out, but love always misdeeds and discipline covered by her merciful love and compassion.  Her mercy seat was used in abundance by all my siblings, but more often than not, by me.

The ark of the covenant of the Lord held His mercy seat, this solid piece of purest gold covering sin, a place of propitiation, a place where justice and mercy would meet.  The cherubim knelt facing this mercy seat, wings spread, covering this Holy meeting place of God!

The mercy seat is coveted, even unaware.  The depths of our soul searches, the urge to please one higher than ourselves unrelenting, though somehow intuiting our unworthiness to dare approach. But Jesus says, "Come", and through Him we are strengthened and renewed!  

The mercy seat of my mother's arms no longer exist for me in this world. I have sought another and found it existed long before.  For my Father in heaven has the ultimate mercy seat, His throne of grace!   Come and approach His grace through His Son and be filled.

Exodus 25:10-22