Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Cross Unto Resurrection

Witnessing the event was sickening, unbelievable and devastating.  Never once did we conceive of the idea he would be killed...suffering a horrendous death and then buried in a tomb not even his own.

    The hours dragged by, and some of us fled because we could bear it no more.  Watching the sweat and blood pour from his body, crying out for relief from His Father.  He was to be King, our Deliverer.  And it has come to this?

    And then his words echoed in our ears:
“And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (Matt. 10:38-39)
    His cross?  This cross?  The one before us set between two criminals, the wooden beast made of humiliation and shame?  My Lord, don’t you know I love you?  Is it necessary that I die for you?  My Lord, do you ask too much of me?

    And then came that terrifying moment when “Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.”
    Hope was gone.  All was lost.  And the longest night of our lives had begun.
    Our bewilderment came the next morning, when the women found his borrowed tomb empty!  And later, witnessing Jesus Himself walking, talking, eating and showing the wounds on his hands and side!
    Once again, His words returned,
    “From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” (Matt. 16:21)
    Oh, my Lord, how did we not understand?  We...no!  I was too concerned about setting up your kingdom and how it should be!  I wondered where I would stand, where I would sit when you took your rightful throne of power.

    Oh, yes, I heard your words, yet did not understand.  I witnessed, yet did not know.  When I could finally fit the pieces together, I grieved for your presence; I sobbed for another chance to sit at your feet to listen and learn.

Image result for grieving

    Forgive my doubting, my Lord, forgive my selfishness and my fears.  Know, Lord, that I will follow you even unto death.  I will praise your name, I will proclaim your sacrifice and salvation, and I will not rest until I have done your will.  I will take your cross, Lord, and bear it gladly.  For you are my savior, my redeemer, the holy lamb of God!