Happy times, times of celebration should be joyous, a little noisy, right? Right?
Clamping down a snort of laughter may be necessary at a funeral, perhaps. Although, I have been to funeral visitations that were more of a family/friend reunion, as the deceased's life was viewed so lovely with the knowledge that he/she lived again in heaven's grasp.
The solemness and beauty of taking communion to remember our Savior is to be revered, appreciated and pondered as the greatest sacrifice this world has ever seen. It is a time of reflection, repentance and re-commitment to a life better lived, a focus more spiritually centered. No, no laughter there.
But watching grandchildren squeal with happiness at an opened gift, a jump in the pool, a surprise that left them giggling...their innocence and purity of thought and action can bring you to happy tears.
No question but that God gave us grandchildren to give us back the glow, the simple trust, the abandonment we left years ago. It is no wonder that He said,
I vow to not let another day go by without rejoicing about a Savior who has brought me from the lowest of lows, the blackest of nights, and the lowest of sins.
I vow to give my highest and broken voice to the One who created me, molded me, protected me and forgave me.
I vow not to be ashamed to shed tears for a passionate song of praise, or a beloved scripture discerning Christ's sacrifice or the holy everlasting faithfulness of the One True God!
Clap your hands, all peoples!
Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
2 For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared,
a great king over all the earth. ~ Psalm 47:1-2
In the face of adversity, in the face of a country spiraling downward, in the face of evil thwarting the Word of God, I will remain confident...and I will not be quiet!
Clamping down a snort of laughter may be necessary at a funeral, perhaps. Although, I have been to funeral visitations that were more of a family/friend reunion, as the deceased's life was viewed so lovely with the knowledge that he/she lived again in heaven's grasp.
The solemness and beauty of taking communion to remember our Savior is to be revered, appreciated and pondered as the greatest sacrifice this world has ever seen. It is a time of reflection, repentance and re-commitment to a life better lived, a focus more spiritually centered. No, no laughter there.
But watching grandchildren squeal with happiness at an opened gift, a jump in the pool, a surprise that left them giggling...their innocence and purity of thought and action can bring you to happy tears.
No question but that God gave us grandchildren to give us back the glow, the simple trust, the abandonment we left years ago. It is no wonder that He said,
"but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)Or this...
"Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Luke 18:17)Not for one moment can I envision these children running to Jesus with no out-stretched arms...with closed mouths, dull eyes and emotionless. Not for one moment can I envision Jesus without the brightest smile on his shining face waiting to be embraced by these little ones.
I vow to not let another day go by without rejoicing about a Savior who has brought me from the lowest of lows, the blackest of nights, and the lowest of sins.
I vow to give my highest and broken voice to the One who created me, molded me, protected me and forgave me.
I vow not to be ashamed to shed tears for a passionate song of praise, or a beloved scripture discerning Christ's sacrifice or the holy everlasting faithfulness of the One True God!
Clap your hands, all peoples!
Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
2 For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared,
a great king over all the earth. ~ Psalm 47:1-2
In the face of adversity, in the face of a country spiraling downward, in the face of evil thwarting the Word of God, I will remain confident...and I will not be quiet!