Thursday, April 28, 2011

Awesome Power

A week of horror.  Days of voices of doom until the anticipation was painful but the reality far worse. 

I have had a fear of storms since I can remember.  I have very early memories of making a mad dash for the storm cellar (which seemed far, far away), with lightening flashing all around and the wind swirling...only to arrive in the blackest black, smelling of deep earth and the feel of many spider webs catching in my hair.  Absolute nightmare.  I think many people would have appreciated that storm cellar  in the last couple of days.

Watching videos of tornadoes touching down in Alabama and other states is fearsome and unbelievable.  The devastation is heart breaking, and that's from viewing from afar.  I cannot imagine the shock of seeing your neighborhood flattened, of being unable to account for family members or friends.  My heart aches for the loss these people are experiencing, not to mention the injuries and the deaths. 

When I see the total destruction from the sheer power of a tornado, I think, what could be worse than that.  These tornadoes, I fear.  Most people do.  Most will heed the warnings given and take cover to protect their lives.  Yes, much power in a tornado.  We recognize it and fear it. 

But there is a power more fearsome than a tornado.  Our God is an awesome God, with more power than anything we can imagine.  Fear Him.  We need to heed His warnings and protect our souls from devastation.  We need to give Him the respect we give the terrible storms. 

Lord, I ask you to wrap each person affected by these storms in your loving arms, giving them peace and strength to get through the days ahead.  May each one recognize that you are all powerful and all loving and that their faith in you grow as they lean on you.  In the name of Jesus.

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