Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Know I'm In Jail...

A voice called to me as I entered...Help, help me!  I know I'm in jail, but I don't know where I'm supposed to be!"  Earnest words punctuated with fearful eyes and more than a hint of exasperation.  A heart that was willing but a mind that was struggling to make sense.  Accepting of circumstances, yet perplexed in the rules.  Unaware of what was "allowed" to help, I offered words of assurance while knowing they fell far short.

While the ending of our days is unknown in circumstance and time, the cowardly part of me grips the image of falling asleep and not awakening.  The imprisonment of mind and total confusion are not part of my image...yet the possibility is real.

Knowing your loved one might be experiencing pain, confusion, helplessness and loss tears at the lining of your heart, blurting Help! to the Lord above for healing, peace and comfort.  Suddenly, the question of why, Lord, why let my loved one suffer?...becomes a moment of clarity and insight.  The precious lady in her wheelchair this morning probably has no memory of her confusion or fright.  But the sight of her and the numerous others present at our service became, for me, one of compassion, love and service.  Knowing no one person residing at that nursing home mattered not in how I viewed each one, how precious each soul, and how gracious and beautiful each heart.

Pictures float through my mind...smiles of acknowlegment when hearing a familiar hymn...words of gratitude for being able to hear the song leader and speaker...eys holding steady on the our young children present...hands reaching out for the placemats made by the children. 

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.  Isaiah 46:3-5

No, God had not left these loved ones to finish out their lives in solitude...He left us to care for them, provide for them and love them.  Better yet, to realize the gift of life, how we spend it and how we value it.  Praise God who knows every good thing, giving us what we need, loving us in such measure to the point of overflowing and showing us how to not waste a drop!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome responsibility we have to our fellow man! What an awesome gift you have with words and feelings! I am blessed to have you as my good friend!
    in Him,


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