Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Best Friend

Have I told you about my best friend?  He has literally turned my life upside down, taken me on a roller coaster ride, and has been the greatest blessing of all!  He's very smart, has the biggest heart, and is a wonderful grandfather.  He has always treated me with the highest respect and convinces me he values my opinion.  He has showered me with flowers, written me endearing and sometimes very suggestive notes, flatters me with knowledge and abilities I'm sure I do not possess...he's simply treated me like a queen for over 27 years!

You probably know him as Terry...but I've always called him Baby! 

He's taught me a lot through the years, such as "worrying has never changed a thing" and "some people cannot be helped".  He's not afraid to take a chance...indeed, he's dragged me along with him too many times to remember!

He's a great teacher, and that's not just my opinion - ask most appraisers and auctioneers in the state of Tennessee!  Better yet, ask Crooked Creek Church of Christ...he's been our adult Sunday School teacher for some time now. 

Yes, I've been blessed.  Every day is a blessing with him leading the way...but he keeps me right beside him!  Thank you, Baby, and thank you, Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Aw...this is so sweet! I enjoyed reading it. I'm excited that you're blogging now! We can be blogging buddies. ;)


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