Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Appears to Me...

The river appears very still this morning, with the gulls fluttering in and out of the scene outside my window, the opposite hill and trees reflected in the mirror image of the water.  Occasionally, you will see the ripple appear and slowly dissipate where a fish has disturbed the evenness of the water.  If I didn't know this river, if I hadn't experienced the current itself, I would never know that it runs even now under that stillness, that fish and other aquatic life are active in their quest for food.  It never stops.  But to the observer above, it is all calmness and serenity.

Every person I see today will present an exterior that can be camouflaging a turbulent interior or truly a gentle spirit.  Only God knows for sure.  I can wrongly judge a person's intent, attitude, purpose, conviction or desire.  I can place him or her in a category unfairly determined or inappropriately justified, because I base my opinion on what I see, hear or smell.  Can anyone know the true nature of another human being without being biased by our own experiences, convictions or emotions?

Reading a great devotional today brought me to this sentence:  Knowing God's true nature is important because we become what we worship.  How can I know God's nature without knowing what He's said, what he's commanded?

I vow this day to know my God more thoroughly, to keep His words on my heart and in my mind so that my own views, my own desires do not interfere with my worship of Him, that no one or no thing ever come between me and my Father in heaven ever again.  And when I look upon this river of calm, I can reflect on my spirit actively seeking and practicing those things God has commanded in order that my nature reflect the Creator.

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